We were so excited when Marie from Backroad Bluegrass Blog reached out to us to tell us all about a local blogger dinner she was hosting that would be featuring local Kentucky products! Check out her blog post here for all the scoop on their evening and to get a glimpse of the rest of the beautiful photos captured by Muse Marketing & Design.
Photo by Muse Marketing & Design.
Sponsors: Triple J Farm, Lexington Pasta, Wixology Candle Company, Stuarto's Olive Oil Company, Boone Creek Creamery, Harkness Edwards Vineyards, Forever Lasered Memories, Martine's Pastries
More bloggers to follow if you like food or local Lexington love: JCP Eats (https://jcpeats.com/2019/03/15/blogger-dinner-party/), Share Lex KY, Kentucky Foodie
#wixology #candles #lexingtonky #sharethelex #kentucky #foodies#bluegrassblog #lexingtonpasta #boonecreekcreamery#harknessedwardsvineyards #foreverlaseredmemories#martinespastries